10 Things Top Real Estate Agents Have in Common - Influential Agent
You may heard of the phrase, “Success leaves clues”

In his best-selling book Unlimited Power, Tony Robbins said  “If you want to achieve success, all you need to do is find a way to model those who have already succeeded.”

As well as being a top real estate agent myself, I’ve studied what other top agents are doing across the country. There are 10 things we all do or have in common.

1. A Positive Mindset

One of my favorite quotes is from Warren Wiersbe: “Your outlook determines your outcome.”

Top agents have what we call a growth mindset. This is important because if you think you can do something, you will be able to — whereas if you think you can’t, you won’t. In other words, it doesn’t matter what skills you have: if you have a negative mindset, you’ll never find success.

Since negative thinking is contagious, you also need to surround yourself with others who think positively. Instead of complaining about why something can’t work, such people look for solutions. When you do the same, your business will grow much faster.

2. Work Hard

Hard work beats talent any day. Although it’s great to have talent, I know a lot of talented people who cannot make a living — it’s hard work and perseverance that lead to success. As Arnold Schwarzenegger said: “You can have results or you can have excuses, but you can’t have both.”

3. Follow a Blocked Schedule

Time-blocking your schedule forces you to figure out your priorities and dedicate 100 percent of your time to them. Top agents include both business and personal commitments in their calendars to ensure they spend enough time with their friends and families and to avoid overworking. Top agents don’t have more time than you; they’re just more disciplined with the time they have.

4. Willing to Fail at a High Level

When I started out, I felt defeated and discouraged every time I failed. But then I came to realize that the more I failed, the faster I figured out how to do things the right way

If you’re not failing, you’re not growing. As I learned from one of my mentors, when you hear the word “no,” you are actually one step closer to a “yes.” When I started to think of “no” as a good thing, I changed my whole outlook. Nobody was rejecting me; they just didn’t need me yet.

Too many agents want to have a perfect plan before they take any action, just to avoid the pain of failing. In reality, if you take a step forward, you win the race even when you fail. It’s those who are in analysis paralysis who feel the pain — the pain of no growth. Start embracing failure and you’ll move one step closer to where you want to be.

5. Focus on Lead Generation

At Influential Agent, we sent out a survey asking 27,000 realtors how long they spend on lead generation each day. The answer was just 23 minutes. You can do much better than this. Don’t be average — be extraordinary!

Lead generation is the most important activity for top agents. Every morning, they work on lead generation for between two and three hours. After all, if you don’t have leads, nothing else matters.

Top agents focus on a few types of leads. Firstly, from listings. They know that for every listing, they can expect two or three sales: the seller could become a buyer, they could get a signed call, they could meet somebody at an open house, or they could gain an Internet lead.

Secondly, they’re focused on their sphere of influence — this is how they build a referral-based business.

Lastly, they focus on follow-ups, as none of us needs as many leads as we think we do. It’s more important to follow up on the leads we already have. When you consider that 80 percent of sales happen between the fifth and 12th contact, it’s obvious that following up is critical.

If you’re not failing, you’re not growing. As I learned from one of my mentors, when you hear the word “no,” you are actually one step closer to a “yes.” When I started to think of “no” as a good thing, I changed my whole outlook. Nobody was rejecting me; they just didn’t need me yet.

Too many agents want to have a perfect plan before they take any action, just to avoid the pain of failing. In reality, if you take a step forward, you win the race even when you fail. It’s those who are in analysis paralysis who feel the pain — the pain of no growth. Start embracing failure and you’ll move one step closer to where you want to be.

6. Use Question-Based Listing Presentations

Top agents know that the person asking the best questions wins the listing every time. We understand that if we begin by talking about how great we are, we are not likely to win a listing.

This may sound obvious, but it’s one of the most common rookie mistakes. It was a struggle for me because I’m not a naturally good listener. I had to use strategies like putting my hands under my thighs (to stop myself talking with my hands) and put a sticky note on top of my paperwork with the acronym W.A.I.T. — it stands for “Why Am I Talking?” Another option is to practice with a friend.

By asking the right questions and using active listening, you’ll end up talking about whatever is important to the seller. This is key to a great listing presentation — it will gain you more listings than anyone else.

7. Hire Help for Basic Tasks

Around 60 percent of what agents do is administrative and nonproductive work, ranging from dropping of lockboxes and picking up signs to entering data. Only 40 percent of work is related to sales, lead generation, and negotiation. Top agents hire help to manage some of that 60 percent, giving them time to focus on the dollar-productive activities.

If you’re too busy to stay on top of all your tasks, instead of looking for a buyer’s agent, hire an administrative assistant. In fact, even your second hire should be more administrative help. Later, you can consider adding a buyer’s agent or listing agent to your team.

Over the next couple weeks, analyze what you do every day. Don’t just look at what you have blocked on your calendar; whenever you find yourself stopping in the middle of a task to do something else, write it down.

At the end of the two weeks, highlight in green just the activities that are dollar productive. You need to hire someone else to handle everything that is not highlighted. As a result, you’ll have more time to spend with clients — and with your family. You’ll grow your business, prevent burnout, and improve your quality of life.

8. Mastermind with Other Top Agents

Find agents who are already at the level you want to reach and connect with them. Whether it’s at a lunch appointment or a convention, set up purposeful appointments to talk to these people. Mastermind with them to learn the steps you need to take. You’ll see where you have blinders in your business, gain ideas you would never have come up with alone, and receive motivation to keep moving forward.

9. Work from a Business Plan

Just as you’d never get in your car without knowing where you’re going, you shouldn’t try to run a business without direction. If you currently lack a business plan, ask a mentor, manager, or coach to help you create one. Think about the big picture (where you want to be) and work backwards. Take your budget into account and think about why it’s important for you to be successful.

10. An Accountability Partner

Accountability is the glue that holds commitment to results. For this reason, even the most driven people need accountability.

Think of it this way: if you were enough, you’d already be hitting your goals. When life gets tough, you need accountability to push you forward — particularly when you’re feeling uncomfortable or tired or you just don’t want to continue.

Accountability coaching will keep you on track and get you to where you need to be. It will help you turn what is currently the floor of your business into the ceiling.

Are you a top agent? What do you think of my list? Am I missing anything?

What do you think of my list? Am I missing anything?

Let me know in a comments below

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