One final thing to do before you implement these two strategies is consider how you currently appear online. What is your digital name badge? When users on Facebook click your name, what do they see? The first things they are going to notice are your “About” section, profile picture, and cover photo.
I can’t tell you how many friend requests I receive from other realtors who have nothing on their entire profile to even suggest that they are realtors. Avoid this mistake by filling out the “About” section, including with your contact info. You likely have all this on your business page, but you also need it on your personal page, as you’re likely having conversations there.
Lastly, you need to have professional-looking photos that present you as a real estate expert. If you can’t market yourself, what kind of a message is that sending to potential clients? That you won’t be able to market their homes, that’s what.
Think about what impression you are leaving when someone clicks on your Facebook profile. Make sure you’re training them to think of you in the way you want them to.
Have you used Facebook lists or ads before? Will you be adding them to your social media strategy now? Let me know in the comments.