Hey guys. In this video I'm going to show you how to complete the setup of your BombBomb account by filling out your profile.
Now once you log in, it'll take you to this dashboard screen. You go to the upper right hand corner and hover over your name and that will bring the big drop down menu. We're going to go to edit my profile. What you could do is go ahead and fill out this sheet here with all the applicable information on phone number. The way that some of the emails are coded, if you plan to use an office number, it would go under phone number and if you want a mobile number it would go underneath that. If you want the mobile number or Google number that you're using to appear in both fields, it's okay to put it in both of them.
Next you're going to choose your photo from your computer as your profile picture.Then put the address of your office. Now. I wouldn't skip this step because in a lot of States you need this for compliance with your state real estate association, so I would put this in as your work address. Then fill out your time zone. Then you're going to go down here to industry and choose real estate because then BombBomb will load extra real estate content in there, If they know you're from the real estate industry.
Next, fill out your company brand. If it's not in this list, choose "other". A lot of these companies, they'll be able to load a little bit of extra content in there for you if they know which company you're with. Then choose your role. I always click "update" before I go to the next sections. That way I don't lose any information that I've already filled out.
Next we're going to go to the upper right hand corner and go to the organization button.This is where we're going to fill out the your broker's company name, so whether it's Remax, Keller Williams, Ebby Halliday... whatever your broker's company name should go under the organization name.
Then put in your title and then on the organization website, you actually want to send them to your specific website here, not necessarily the company's. You would only put the company's if you don't have your own a website. So, put in your website here if you want, you can put your license number right under that. That's your real estate license number and that is not required.
And then over, here's where you're gonna put your company's or your broker's logo. And it's best if it is a square one. So if your company has multiple versions of the logo, it looks best in the templates. If it is square, then down here is where you can put anything that if your broker or state requires any disclaimers inside of your emails, you can put it in this spot here.Once you're finished, hit update my profile. Now let's go over to the upper right hand corner to password. If you ever need to change your password, this is where you're going to do that.
And the next one is social media tab. This is important to prefill these out. If you don't use Twitter, then you don't have to put an actual link in there. But fill out as many of these as you can and once you do that, click "update my profile" that you've now completed your profile part.
I want to point out a few other sections on the left hand side. The first one is subscription. If you click on this, you'll notice it's going to say paid seat member. That's because you're a seat member of the sphere influencer program.
Do not update any payment details here or change anything because your payments are going through the company, influential agent, not through BombBomb, so you don't need to put any payment information into here.
The next section I want to take you to is integrations. This is so if you are using any of these products on the screen and you want it to be able to talk to BombBomb, you would do it here in this screen. Or if a company that you're trying to integrate with ever asks you for the API key, it's going to be in this upper right hand corner.
Okay guys, that's all you need to get your profile set up correctly. Please don't skip any of the fields that apply to you because a lot of those will auto-populate into some of the email templates that we've set up for you.",